Niels Madsen Randers, 1831–1907?> (aged 75 years)
- Name
- Niels Madsen /Randers/
- Given names
- Niels Madsen
- Surname
- Randers
- Name
- Niels /Dyhrberg/
- Given names
- Niels
- Surname
- Dyhrberg
- Name
- Niels Dyhrberg /Madsen/
- Given names
- Niels Dyhrberg
- Surname
- Madsen
- Name
- Niels Dyrberg /Randers/
- Given names
- Niels Dyrberg
- Surname
- Randers
Birth of a sister
Death of a paternal grandmother
Burial of a paternal grandmother
Note: 1849: Død den 25 november, begravet den 30. november - Ane Jensdatter - enke efter Mads Randers, 97 aar. |
Birth of a daughter
Death of a daughter
Death of a mother
Birth of a son
Death of a son
Death of a father
Birth of a daughter
Death of a daughter
Death of a wife
Death of a sister
father |
Birth: August 11, 1796 — Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg Death: May 8, 1871 — Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg |
mother |
Birth: October 9, 1791 — Tvilum, Gjern, Skanderborg Death: February 24, 1867 — Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg |
Marriage | Marriage — November 5, 1828 — Levring Kirke, Levring, Lysgaard, Viborg |
1 month
elder sister |
Birth: December 14, 1828 — Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg Death: January 24, 1923 — Sct. Ibs Gade 11, Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg |
3 years
himself |
Birth: October 14, 1831 — Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg Death: March 28, 1907 — Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg |
4 years
younger sister |
Birth: December 16, 1835 — Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg Death: April 22, 1905 — Lille St. Hansgade 10, st, Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg |
himself |
Birth: October 14, 1831 — Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg Death: March 28, 1907 — Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg |
wife |
Birth: January 10, 1821 — Sortebrødre, Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg Death: February 8, 1904 — Sortebrødre, Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg |
Marriage | Marriage — November 16, 1857 — Viborg Domkirke, Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg |
5 years
daughter |
Birth: about 1862 — Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg Death: after 1862 |
9 years
son |
Birth: about 1870 — Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg Death: after 1870 |
3 years
daughter |
Birth: about 1872 — Viborg Købstad, Nørlyng, Viborg Death: after 1872 |
Birth | |
Marriage | |
Occupation | |
Name | |
Death |